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Showing posts from August, 2016

citer pasal dive ... adOyai

EarLy this morning had a heatY conversation with a diver, commenting about how few dive shops been managed over the years or newbies. Find it very amusing and the comment was : Rasa memang dive shop makin teruk kalau buat tak peduli and so jangan nak tuduh competitor nak caras business sebab sendiri punya business tak jaga... Can see the impact by running own business own way and face the consequences when divers comes and complained how unfit of dive equipment etc  (positive and negative thoughts)... Not a big name that been concern, is how they run the dive shop and it does not matter the size of the dive shop... Setakat nak tayang nama & gLamour to be famous just forget it Lah... IF tak ikhlas atau nawaitu entah kemana memang automatic reject dan kena pangkah... So lastLy that person said, "sendiri mau ingat Lah, Nak gelak ke, Nak take it easy ke, Nak buat bodoh ke, Nak hidup berlagak ke"... Note : Dive industry very tiny in Malaysia, ever...

FAMILY: No pros, only cons

When one partner cheats, the other may end the relationship, or forgive and stay in it, but either way, extra-marital affairs have major, negative effects that can be felt for some time, or forever, such as: Damage to self esteem The person who has been cheated on experiences a blow to his (or her) self-esteem and may think “Was I not enough?” or “If I hadn’t let myself go, this would not have happened”. Just as children tend to blame themselves for their parents’ divorce, many victims of an affair respond by blaming themselves. The decision to cheat was not yours, and although there may have been problems in the relationship, you did not make the decision to have an affair. Chances are, it had much more to do with a deficiency or weakness in your partner than in you. Lack of trust Victims of an affair will find it difficult to trust again and may doubt their judgment of other people. Even if a relationship ends, and another begins, the mechanism of infidelity can follow. It is...

off Pulau Hantu...

Channel NewsAsia  20 Feb 07 Body of missing diver found in waters off Pulau Hantu   By S Ramesh SINGAPORE : The body of a missing diver was found in the waters off Pulau Hantu at around 9.40 am on Tuesday. Singaporean Sue Qing Wen, who is in his 20s and who had just finished his National Service, was reported missing on Saturday, the eve of the Lunar New Year. He and several others has gone for their first dive in open waters off Pulau Hantu - as part of their diving certification - but did not make it back. Pulau Hantu is 15 minutes away from Sentosa by speedboat. Police said they received a call from a member of the public about the body. A diving wet suit and an oxygen tank were also found with the body. No one responded to Channel NewsAsia's queries when our crew visited his house in Chua Chu Kang. - CNA/ms Electric New Paper  21 Feb 07 Singaporean Learner Diver Lost Near Pulau Hantu How did he vanish?  By Arul John IT WAS Chinese New Year's Eve but he w...

kopi & paste Lah : tOpic Jangan Kacau Suami Orang

Diharap kau insaf dan janganlah lagi mengulangi perangai menggedis berskandal dengan suami orang. Ikutkan hati nak je sebut nama kau tapi ketara sangatlah nak membuka aib kau sebab our mutual friends pun sangatlah ramai. Kami perhati tingkah laku yang menimbulkan rasa meluat di kalangan keluarga kami yang tak kami suarakan. Di saat orang baru mendirikan rumahtangga, sampai lah kau mengandung, beranak dan kau masih dengan muka setebal tembok tak malu menonjolkan diri dengan harapan kami semua dapat menghalalkan perbuatan kau. Dah lama aku tak luahkan benda-benda macam ni. Tapi disebabkan cerita ni mungkin boleh jadi pengajaran kepada orang lain. Aku kongsi sahaja. Untuk perhatian : kerosakan yang kau buat ni sangatlah besar. Kalau aku cerita sampai malam pun tak habis. Daripada rosaknya kebahagiaan keluarga orang, impact nya kepada suasana persekitaran kerja dan masuk pula part serangan sihir halilintar berbalas-balas (yang semua orang mindfuck di zaman yang moden ini) entahkan be...

reaLLy? wow tHis is wHat to be so call "kawan or friend"

sHe said on 2n January 2012: KeMaaFan yang tidak dapat diMaafKan Happy New Year!!!! Apa makna tahun baru bagi aku? Jawabannye... tidak ada makna apa2 pun... ingin melupakan segala kedukaan pada tahun 2011 dan mulakan kehidupan baru tanpa ada masalah dan perkara yang menyakitkan hati.... aku dah bosan dan letih dengan manusia yang hipokrit.. manusia yang mementingkan diri sendiri... jadi ku tak perlu mereka di sisi aku...tentu tertanya2 kenapa aku berkelakuan begini...tentu mereka yang terbabit ingat aku nie marah sbb aku ada perasaan... PLEASE.. YA ALLAH! TOLONG LER... sedikit dan sebait atau secalit pun TIDAK.... cuma aku terkilan kenapa berita ini di khabarkan... harus jatuh pada hari yang paling bermakna bagi aku.... bila di tanya alasan????? jawabnye sbb nak break the news on NEW YEAR.. hell hello apa bezanye tahun lepas dan sekarang... tu yang aku rasa TAK MASUK AKAL... aku diam jugak... sebelum tu aku ada tanya dia ko ada hati ke ngan dia? Dia c...