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a Friend to my heart - Iza

How I met Iza?
Iza was my diving customer whom came to Ocean Blue Dive and Chalet, Perhentian Island in 2004 with her friends name Azmi & Jassmine whom were my diver customers as well.  

Ilham & Iza 
 One fine day arwah asked me about diving, asked me if I knew someone from dive industry... I said IF Instructors or Divemasters can but normal recreational divers plenty... I asked him specific which territory of divers his looking for?

I mentioned few Malaysian states and word Kedah triggers him and he asked who I know, I said 2 org nama Azmi n Jassmine and he said the other 3rd diver? I said she was a customer friends to Azmi N Jassmine... entah macam mana Arwah keluarkan satu keping gambar and to my schocked it was Harliza, my diving customer... He asked if I knew her, I said YES... I asked him whats going on, rupa2nya it was his love and he said about soulmates... Arwah reminded and told me tak kira, by hope by crop aku nak dia balik and U must help me to get her back, makan minum aku all provided by arwahs sister Kak Ita - the food provider so the sms started on arwahs hp nokia 3310 siap beli top up prepaid...

hampir 2 hari 2 malam aku sms iza mcm nak tercabut jari, all for arwah... at a point the plan was to get iza from kedah to pj n the plot was to informed that izas cousin nak return barang... (Rocky mati2an ingat yg brg dia nak kena return by the cousins but actually the barang was Iza herself which he never knew)

We went to Sect 17 PJ....Rocky tunggu dekat kedai mamak. Iza naik kereta and bila sampai suruh Iza nyorok kat kedai sebelah. Then pergi jumpa rocky borak borak kejap. Lepas tu minta tolong Rocky ambil barang diving kat dalam kereta. Bila both of us keluar dari kedai mamak, Iza tunggu kat depan... mulanya Rocky tak perasan then bila Iza said Hi Ilham..... then baru Rocky start screaming... When the two of them met, I couldnt believe my eyes, dengan baju carek si rocky pakai, dia terus peluk Iza mcm dunia dah nak terbalik... from there the lovebirds history was written...

IniLah Arwah and his Love Iza or I would say His Soulmate (he believes it very much!!)

foot note :
  • baju carek tuLah yg mengeratKan & mengingatKan segaLa memori disaat-saat pertemuan Ilham & Iza setelah beberapa tahun berpisah as Gf/Bf
  • Iza, baju carek takde dalam hard drive but its in my memory sampai bila-bila I takkan lupa
  • Kak Ita said, Memang they are soul mates. Kak Ita ingat lagi tak salah berpisah for 10 years. 
Tiba-tiba satu hari arwah tanya. 
  1. What do you think Kak Ita? 
  2. Should I get back together with Iza?
Kak Ita ingat lagi kata kat Akbar. Ingat after 10 years you still think of her than it is meant to be. Kak ita kata jodoh nie. He then called Iza n asked her to speak to me. Letak saja phone, Kak Ita tanya, what are you waiting for? Get married la!!

Memang they have such a beautiful bond n love each other so much. InsyaAllah to be reunited in Jannatul Firdaus.

Al-Fatihah - Ilham Akbar Sujak...


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