Al-Fatihah - Almarhum YAM Raja Shahruzzaman ibni Almarhum Sultan Idris al-Mutawakil Allah Shah Afifu’llah [Bugz]
I remember it was ONLY yesterday...
when the news came on the 10th October 2014/ 15 Zulhijjah 1435M (Friday) at 3pm, it was very schocKing & it sHook everyone who knew, he was a person I and Tuntung called UncLe, someone whom we LoOk & respected regardless on his status of being the Anak Sotan Derih in which he always tells us. Its been years the friendsHip sTays and remains, everytime he caLLs/asked, Tuntung and me will drop/stop everytHing/what ever we are doing and our attention will be heading to wherever UncLe was either in Setapak, Janda Baik, Pahang and his final resting place at Bukit Antarabangsa, KL.
UncLe had so many tHings to dO, we aLways wish him to take care of his health especiaLLy... He had wishes of what he wants, UncLe always said, its just matter of time, kena sabar, insyaaLLah it will come soon... and the memories stiLL lingers ON and ON...
Its already been 1 week the passing of Almarhum, his jokes/laughs will aLways stay fresh in our mind and heart, We missed U very much UncLe, Al-Fatihah... Soon be dropping by to Kuale to visit U and aLso to eat what U aLways lOve at Yut LoY, KuaLa Kangsar and Nasi Vanggey in Ipoh, Perak.
biTs HisTorY of :
Almarhum YAM Raja Shahruzzaman
ibni Almarhum Sultan Idris al-Mutawakil Allah Shah Afifu’llah [Bugz] (s/o Cik
Haniza), educ. Malay Coll, Kuala Kangsar. Presdt e-Cycle Sdn Bhd since 2004. m.
(first) (div. 1987) Philippa, a British national. m. (second) 1988 (div.), Che’
Wan Adlina binti Che’ Wan Daud, daughter of Y.Bhg. Dato’ Che’ Wan Daud bin Che’
Wan Hasan, by his wife, Y.Bhg. Datin Hendon binti Idris Hitam, daughter of
Encik Idris Hitam bin Haji ‘Ali. He has issue, one daughter by his first wife,
and a further son and daughter by his second wife:
a) Y.M Raja
Ahmad Murshidd ul-‘Adzam Shah bin Raja Shahr uz-Zaman (s/o Adlina), educ. Bukit
Bandaraya Sch, and Seri Hartamas National Secondary Sch.
b) Y.M. Raja
Radziat ul-Yazmin bintu Raja Shahr uz-Zaman [Yazzie]. b. 1987 (d/o Philippa).
c) Y.M. Raja
Nur Balqis binti Raja Shahr uz-Zaman (d/o Adlina), educ. Sultan Idris Univ of
Education, Tanjung Malim, Perak.

ROYAL HORNETS & the KL WARRIORS FootBaLL Match March 2011 in Perak Darul Ridzuan. credits to : hazz

Istiadat Permakaman Almarhum YAM Raja Shahruzzaman ibni Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah II telah selamat disempurnakan lebih kurang jam 11:00hrs pada 11 Oktober 2014 di Makam Diraja Al-Ghufran, Bandar Diraja Kuala Kangsar, Perak Darul Ridzuan.
credits to :