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BALI Calendar of Festivals & Events 2012

New Year’s Day – January 1st, the celebrations of the previous night continue into the day, although things become more sedate by midday
Chinese New Year – February 03rd, is the longest and most important festivity in the Chinese Lunar Calendar. The origin of Chinese New Year is itself centuries old and gains significance because of several myths and traditions. Ancient Chinese New Year is a reflection on how the people behaved and what they believed in the most. Celebrate this moment to explore the uniqueness of this festivity while staying with us.
Valentine’s Day – February 14th, Be married, be in honeymoon or simply celebrate this special moment with your loved one
Melasti – precedes Nyepi and is the loud part of the two-day event, where well-dressed villagers offer flowers and fruit and holy men sacrifice pigs
Nyepi – March 5thThis holiday is the Balinese New Year called icaka New Year, the day of total silence throughout the island. No activity, no traffic at all on the roads, no fire may be lit for 24 hours. Great purification and sacrificial rites are held the day before so as to exorcize evil spirits from every corner of the island.
Saraswati – April 23rd, This day is devoted to God’s Manifestation as Dewi Saraswati, the beautiful Goddess of Knowledge, Art and Literature. On this day, books of knowledge, manuscripts and the Wedas are blessed and special offerings are made for them
Pager Wesi – April 27th, celebrates Sang Yang (the creator of the universe) with grand ceremonies island-wide
National Awakening Day – May 20th, ‘Hari Kebangkitan Nasional’ is a public holiday in Indonesia to mark the principles of Indonesian state philosophy. Government offices and schools host this event
Bali Arts Festival – runs between June and July and celebrates the arts and culture of Bali
Kite Festival – a fun event seeing lots of kite flying throughout the day, and a real boon for tourists who want to get a unique glimpse of another side of Bali
Galungan – July 6th, This is the most important holiday symbolizing the victory of Virtue (Dharma) upon Evil (Adharma). The holiday is specialized by the fitting of ‘penjor’, a tall bamboo pole splendidly decorated with woven young coconut leaves, fruit, cakes and flowers, on the right side of every house entrance. People are attired in their finest clothes and jewels this day.
Kuningan Ceremony – July 16th, in early February, spanning ten days and signifying the end of the new year holiday. Yellow rice is offered and temples are beautified to bade farewell to the god.
Negara Bull Races – bulls are washed and decorated with garlands, coupled to chariots and then raced in an enthralling event. The bull races are staged between July and October
Independence Day – August 17th, sees Bali adorned with national flags, along with the rest of the country, and feature processions, traditional music and dancing
Nusa Dua Festival – A week-long event in Bali’s popular Nusa Dua resort is a must-see, featuring many Balinese treats including singing, dancing and eating
Temple Celebrations – all prominent temples in Bali feature celebrations throughout September, including at Kuta, Sanur, Ubud and Denpasar
Ubud Writers and Readers Festival – Goes off for five days every year in October and sees dozens of writers from several countries gather, culminating in one of the best events of its type in the country
Bali International Jazz Festival – a major event on the island, and in Indonesia as a whole, with performers from all over the world playing out to crowds over a period of three days
Saraswati – November 19th, This day is devoted to God’s Manifestation as Dewi Saraswati, the beautiful Goddess of Knowledge, Art and Literature. On this day, books of knowledge, manuscripts and the Wedas are blessed and special offerings are made for them.
Pagerwesi – November 23rd, The name literally means ‘iron fence’, on which day ceremonies and prayers are held for strong mental and spiritual defense in welcoming the Galungan holiday.
Christmas Day – December 25th, as with elsewhere in Asia, Christmas is celebrated by Bali’s Christian faithful and tourists get particularly jovial at resort bars and restaurants
New Year’s Eve – December 31st, sees dinners, dancing, partying, a traditional countdown and lots of fireworks in the bigger resorts


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