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BIKINI ATOLL en memoirs'

Dear All,

The Kili/Bikini/Ejit Local Government Council met for several days during August, 2008, to consider its fiscal year 2009 budget. It was decided at this meeting that Bikini Atoll would remain closed for normal tourism operations during 2009. The Council made this decision due to the ongoing reliability issues with our local airline, Air Marshall Islands, the rise in the world price of fuel, and the decline in the stock market and the impact that this has had on our trust funds (which were used to subsidise our dive program): Together, all of these issues have caused our operating expenses to rise beyond our means.

Currently, the Council is engaged in negotiations with several entities which are interested in taking over the Bikini tourism operation. It is unknown how long these negotiations will last, or if they will prove fruitful, but, if there is an update regarding the tourism operation, it will be posted on this website.

Bikini is allowing certain types of vessels to visit Bikini Atoll and dive on the wrecks provided definitive prior arrangements are made with Bikini Atoll Divers.

These vessels or yachts must be completely self-contained, and must include:

*adequate international communications equipment

*housing, dining facilities, and supplies (all food, water, medical equipment, etc)

*all equipment needed to fill tanks and take care of divers, including any nitrox, oxygen or specialized medical equipment

*preferably have a helicopter for medical evacuation purposes

During such visits our local government will send along a diver and up to two Local Government Council representatives--at the vessel owner's expense--to make sure that no artifacts are removed from the ships.

If you want more information regarding this kind of expedition, please contact:


Jack Niedenthal
Tourism Operations Manager for
the Bikini Atoll Local Government

In August of 2008 the Bikini local government decided not to open Bikini Atoll in 2009... TBA


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