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Showing posts from March, 2017

dIve pro entering hYperbaric cHamber - All About Decompression Sicknes

              Logged : 20032017 A pair of divers on an OUT OF AIR situation while diving nearby at P9...                       dIvers at depth 56m & both of them start rapid ascent less than 10 minutes                       on surface both of them found conscious, NO lungs barotrauma most likeLy divers are pure on DCS issues treatment started... UPDATED 21/3/2017: One Instructor still on treatment and another Instructor after (1x table 6 treatment from 2am-630am) passed away 420pm at ICU Hospital Manjung, al-fatihah & salam takziah to the Family... also known as "the bends" and Caisson Disease,  decompression sickness  affects divers or other people (such as miners) exposed to rapid changes in air pressure. In recent years, the medical term  decompression illness  has gained more traction—the ...

a HearT crusH - time tO mOve on

akan ku ingat bulan dan tahun itu sampai bila-bila, to the lowest point of my life... cukupLah rasaNya untuk fight, rasa dah kalah lama tapi fight untuk anak-anak kesayanganKu, dalam separuh sedar ada prempuan lain tengah fight so hard untuk dapatkan hak yang bukan milikNya, i struggLe to fight for mY family sampai kalah & putus asa banyak kali tapi i just keep fighting on, cedera teruk & cant take it anymore, last sekali mengaku kalah, tau limit sampai mana. been very tough to lost the battle, i will recover one day but we should know where the limits are. kerana orang ketiga, rumah tangga yang sudah terbina lama musnah... Realiti dalam kehidupan ini... Perempuan kalau dia dah move on, dia takkan pandang belakang sudah walaupun dah bersama selama 4 tahun. Dan bila dia dah move on, kau bukan siapa siapa.  Hati manusia begitu ajaib jika ingin di rungkaikan. Ianya penuh dengan tanda tanya dan misteri. Kadang kita boleh m...