Diving Injuries and Illnesses Due to the pressure changes and the aquatic environment, diving may cause diseases which are unique and different than non-divers. Examples of these: Decompression Sickness Arterial Gas Embolism Barotrauma Dysbaric Osteonecrosis Nitrogen Narcosis Oxygen Toxicity Hypoxia, Carbon Dioxide Toxicity and Breathing Gas Contamination Drowning Stings, Bites and Poisoning from Dangerous Marine Animal Decompression Illness During a dive, nitrogen from the compressed air that the diver breathes is dissolved into the blood and body tissues in accordance to Henry’s law. When the diver returns to the surface, nitrogen may come out of solution in the form of bubbles, due to the high gradient between the partial pressures of the nitrogen in the tissues and the environment. The manifestations of DCS depend on the organs or tissues affected by bubble formation. The commonest presentations of DCS are generalized symptoms of weakness, tiredness, apathy and malaise. Musculoskel...
A log recording, conveys no emotion, no feeling, no experience. Each time we venture, we enter into a higher universe, a wonderland beyond mortal comprehension, a palace of dreams. A journal has infinite depth, beyond the average, its a platform to relieve the experience again and again.